When most people think of art they think of a painting or sculpture. People like Pablo Picasso are known as artists; one who uses creative imagination and conscious skill to create works of art. But did you know that director Martin Scorsese is also an artist? His work of art is film. Just like painters and sculptors, some of the foremost artists are filmmakers.
In fact, film happens to be one of the greatest forms of art, as it utilizes everything from music, lighting, scenescape, and dialogue to create the finished piece. And some movies take that art form even further, pushing the boundaries beyond what was thought possible.
Pushing boundaries is what makes a great artist. Someone who isn’t afraid to put a spin on an old idea or dive deep into new ideas. The end result of great art is that it makes people feel something. It provokes deep thought and even makes people take a closer look at themselves and the world they live in.
A great example of unique, uber-artsy filmmaking is the movie Waking Life. Directed by Richard Linklater, this film takes the viewers on a surreal ride that feels like you’re experiencing an actual dream. Linklater uses an interesting technique where he takes the filming process and paints over every frame to give it a double focus, almost as if you are drunk with double vision. This technique provides an experience like no other.
When it comes to artsy films, another mind-blowing example is Darren Aronofsky’s film The Fountain. Hugh Jackman plays a character who operates in three different timelines surrounding the search for the fountain of youth. This is nonlinear filmmaking at its finest, almost to its detriment, as it can be hard to follow for some people. The beauty of this film is that it allows the viewer to use their imagination in more ways than most other forms of art. The viewer is not limited or kept in a box.
Wild art isn’t supposed to be easily understood. It’s meant to be multifaceted where the viewer notices new things with each viewing. It again taps into deep surrealism that can make you rethink concepts you once thought you fully understood.
Anything a filmmaker can envision is possible, especially today with CGI and AI programs. Just as a paintbrush and easel are painter’s tools, filmmakers have their own special tools. But the one thing all art has in common is that all forms of art start with an idea. The execution of that idea is where masterpieces come from.
Once you have a great idea, you need the tools to convey your passion. With filmmaking, the next most important step is the script. Even the most successful directors, producers, or actors are nothing without a script to work from. In that sense, the writer is an artist in their own right.
To create a great work of art in film, a screenwriter is worth their weight in gold. They bring an idea to life. However, not all idea people can write just as all writers may not have the best ideas. The two work hand in hand.
This is where hiring a screenwriter is a great option. This is especially true for newbies. By hiring a professional script writer, a client with an idea but without writing experience can turn an idea into a television or movie script. One drawback for most people when hiring someone to write for them is that they want to retain rights and credit. A ghostwriter takes no credit but works behind the scenes with your direction to create something that fully illustrates your vision. Some can even help create the right pitch for when you get it in front of the decision-makers.
Some ghostwriters have relationships with agents or publishers to help you get your script sold. You may not know it, but many famous TV shows and films have been written by a ghostwriter.
Finding a reputable screenwriting ghostwriter who specializes in your genre will take some research or you can use a ghostwriting service company, such as Ghostwriters Central, Inc. which fully vet all its writers and will help you select the best one for your project. Some writers specialize in specific genres and styles, and that company will match you with the writer who will make your work shine.